“No, that is wrong”. What I actually say is…. “Hmm, are you sure?” Why do we opt for beating around the bush rather than being unapologetically honest? Well, it’s just easier to beat around the bush, plus, we still leave some room for misunderstandings and miscommunications. It’s basically the politically correct way. EXCEPT, for that it’s just not. Political, yes, correct….um no. Our politicians talk in circles without really accomplishing anything and we the people are left to pick up the broken pieces from their actions. That does not seem to be an effective method (referring to beating around the bush) it may not be as uncomfortable for you, but do know, more than likely it is creating more discomfort with either something or someone else.
How about we meet in the middle? It’s called the facts. Facts are statements that you can back with tangible evidence and do it unapologetically because the emotions are completely taken out of the equation. Time is a valuable commodity so let’s not waste it. When you are embarking on an “uncomfortable conversation” that may require the dreaded confrontation…Focus on the facts and take the emotions out of it…Wah-la! You are free to be unapologetically honest because you are speaking the facts…nothing more and nothing less. You…. step forward and crush it (but not literally because that would defeat the whole purpose).